
Monday, November 4, 2013

Cooking with Food Storage: Maple Drop Cookies

These cookies are light & airy with a wonderful maple flavor! I found the original recipe in my King Arthur Flour catalog, but you can see it online here. I used food storage ingredients for my version. 

Here is the original recipe with my noted changes:
Maple Drop Cookies
2 large egg whites (I used meringue powder.)
1/4 cup maple sugar (I ordered mine off of the Internet, from here. King Arthur Flour sells it as well. Do a Google search and I bet you can find it locally too.)
1/4 cup pure maple syrup
1/8 tsp salt
4 TBS unsalted butter, melted (I made my own butter. You can see how to do that here. I also made a second batch with powdered butter.)
1/2 tsp vanilla extract (I used one teaspoon. I made my own vanilla extract. You can see how to do that here.)
1/8 tsp maple flavoring, optional (I made one batch with maple flavoring and one without. The cookies taste better with the maple flavoring.)
2/3 cup all-purpose flour (I used whole wheat flour.)

Whisk together the egg whites, sugar and salt. Here are my ingredients before I added the water.

Whisk until the ingredients are foamy. It didn't take long.

Whisk in the maple syrup, butter and flavors until incorporated. When I used butter powder, I reconstituted it with water before adding. I used a bit more water to make it smooth.

Add the flour and whisk until smooth. This is what mine looked like. 

As you can see in the picture above, I used a very large bowl. However, the batter doesn't make much so you don't need a large bowl. A small to medium bowl will work well.

Drop by teaspoon full on parchment paper. The original instructions state that the less batter you use the crisper the cookie. I was looking for crispy cookies. I tried different amounts to see if I could get it 'just right'. What I liked was a heaping 1/2 tsp full, spread thinly. The thinner, the better.  If you spread them thin, you will get about 50 cookies. If you want them a little thicker, you will get about 35.  Bake at 350 degrees for 7 to 9 minutes. 

I didn't bake mine in my kitchen oven. It was a beautiful sunny day, so I used the sun oven. Although it was quite sunny, I couldn't get the sun oven to 350 degrees (I had wispy clouds floating by). I had to settle for 325. I baked mine about 25 minutes. (Don't use parchment paper in the sun oven. I didn't have any problem getting the cookies off of the cookie sheet.)

They are quite good! Very crispy, and full of maple flavor. If you can't find or don't want to buy maple sugar, try using regular sugar with 1/4 tsp of maple flavoring. I bet they will be just as good!

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